Sunday, October 12, 2008

Stepmothers of Invention: Branding Firms Enter the Industrial Design Fray, by Carl Alviani

"..........a lot of product designers have made their careers by getting in on the branding game in the past couple of decades. It shouldn't come as any surprise to hear that the same thing is starting to happen in reverse--branding agencies are doing product, and they're doing it fairly well.
Should product designers feel threatened? Depends on who you ask.......「Product is the ultimate communication tool," Winsor explained, "To me, branding and ID are different sides of the same coin. We're both satisfying the needs of the customer.」.........."

Today, customer purchases products considering not only the function, but the abstract values. They buy certain goods to satisfy their need; moreover, they transfer the extra values on themselves. When customer become richer, they are no longer bind for the price. In this way, branding will be come the major part of product design industry. Personally, I think product designers should get involved with branding if they don't want to be eliminated from the competitive market.

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