Sunday, October 19, 2008

MacBook production methods video

Okay, we promise this is the last you'll hear of it; but for Apple to post a video featuring two of their industrial designers showing factory footage of different production methods is just too industry-specific for us not to post about. Extrusions, milling, laser-machining, all for that little laptop. Heck, we get more pleasure from watching the thing being built than we do from laying our eyeballs on the finished product.

The new Macpro is what I'm waiting for. Since I was told Mac was going to have a new version of Macpro, I didn't buy it during the summer. It was really a gamble because the summer promotion was end. Fortunately, the newest version doesn't let me down. But I wonder is the new trakpad working well when removing the two buttons. I have better tried it in the store.

1 comment:

Cipher said...

Try it before you buy it! It's a new version and it might have some problem that we don't know. But honestly, it's so beautiful that I want buy it. Hope you can enjoy the new laptop.